You might recall my whimsy about a bouquet in this post a few weeks ago.... Well, I think this lovely thing today can go rosemary to rosemary with it. This time it's a bit more traditional, as I got to add some ranunculus from my very own plot. I also bundled up some rosemary, chives, and this time some lovely mint from my newly designated "herb" section. I think some mojitos are in order.
It is quite a thrill to have "cutting flowers" this summer. There are lots more buds so I'm looking forward to weeks of fresh flowers. I noticed in Trader Joe's a bunch about this big was priced at $5.99. I paid $4.98 for the entire packet of 18 bulbs which has already garnered me two cuttings for my vase.
In less economically favorable news, I didn't start any seeds this year. It fell under the keep it simple for myself category. So, I visited the nursery. I came back with new gloves (mine were stolen!), three tomato seedlings, two pepper plants (yellow and jalepeno), marigolds, sage, and a bag of red onions they gave me for a dollar because there were only a handful of viable onion bulbs in the bag this late in the season. Oh, and a terra cotta pot to plant one of the peppers in. So, $35.00 later, I'm sure (even accounting for a boom tomato season), I could buy the produce much cheaper. But, I got my hands in the dirt for three full hours and my garden looks full of promise!
So, a "Good"er Friday could not have been had....
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